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Included here are artifacts from the past and works in progress that I would like to develop into articles for publication. I began these writings, not for a class or a grade, but because I was inspired to do so. "Censorship in the Drama Classroom," is a topic that I am constantly struggling with, thinking about, and considering consequences, and "Dodo" monologue is the seed for a one woman play about my grandmother. 


Also, in development (not pictured) is a workbook for teaching verbatim theatre to teenagers in the high school setting. My colleague and fellow EdD student, Ryan Howland, and I are collaborating to create a step-by-step guide for bringing verbatim performance to the high school drama classroom. This workbook will include lesson plans, hand-outs, worksheets, and specific do's and don'ts of the form. Edited by Joe Salvatore and the Verbatim Performance Lab, it is our hope that this text will provide insight for teachers who want to implement this work, but are unsure where and how to begin. 




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